Friday, January 4, 2013

Inner Sun Rises

Inner sun rises on wings of light,
Riches hidden by fear of darkness

She speaks in rivers and waves of fire,
Revealing all that is known and unknown

Time to be, to surrender.


Here's my entry for the Trifextra Weekend Challenge! :D 33 words exactly again, for the fun of it :)

This speaks to me on many levels... primarily tho, it is about life. Becoming, living, and the shift of ages we're going through lately with everything coming to the surface, including inner truth that sometimes burns on its way out.

There's some Zen concepts in there... A bit about the flow of kundalini through the bodies (physical, mental, emotional) akin to the layers of Gaia - the She in the writing (or am I the She? Hmmmm) The earth and its inhabitants are intimately linked, and we are all deeply beautiful - even when we don't remember.

It speaks to me of my own life, and myself, and my inner self, too. Feeling blessed, in control, out of control and everything sandwiched in between. Time to be, to surrender...yep, that about sums it up.

On to the weekend challenge.  As you'll recall from your elementary science class days, the structure of the earth can be divided most simply into three sections: core, mantle, crust.  Here's a diagram.
Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /

Give us 33 words from it.  Interpret the prompt however you wish--literal, metaphorical, or somewhere in between.  If you would like to use the image on your own blog, you must properly credit it.


  1. Beautiful! I have found that in order for me "to be" I must surrender. It takes practice though! Love your words!

    1. Thank you! Yes...surrender may take the most practice of all

  2. Short but powerful!

  3. I agree with Joe! Very powerful. lovely.

  4. To surrender isn't as easy as it is cracked up to be. More power to those who can. Very well written. Very evocative.

    1. Agreed - tho I get the feeling that surrender isn't an all or nothing deal, at least for most people (or maybe even for all people!), but more of a practice. Maybe it can become habit!

  5. I am reminded of a fiery nymph. Stunning visual.

  6. This is great! I love this line: "She speaks in rivers and waves of fire,"

    1. Thank you! Yeah, that one just kinda sprang out of no where...surprised me. Thus my lack of clarity about who 'She' is ;)

  7. "Inner Sun"-yes,that is what makes us shine & as you said,surrender & be!Beautifully portrayed Dawn :-)Reminded me of "Enya" & her soulful songs.

  8. This is beautiful writing and speaks to all of us. Nice job.

  9. Love the imagery. Rich and dark and yet full of hope. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, that's what I was going for - rich and dark and full of hope, like the earth :D

  10. Riches hidden by fear of darkness. Perfect.

    1. Yeah...fear is a tough adversary at times, but light cant' be hidden under it forever!

  11. Ah this is well done. I love the picture you chose to use. It all "flowed" together really well.

  12. I love this: "She speaks in rivers and waves of fire..." Beautiful phrase, that. Altogether a lovely piece.

  13. This is a lovely and profound response to the prompt. Nicely done!
