Told From Within
Exploring the Heights and Depths
Friday, February 22, 2013
Right now being discovered was a huge, wild need.
He would be back, her mind said quietly, and relief came comforting like a blanket.
She wanted him to realize her life had wings.
This was written for the Trifextra Challenge for this weekend :)
In explanation, my hubby's away for the weekend, and I'm getting ready to launch my own business as a life coach.
This weekend we are playing another type of word game with you. Below are photos from the 33rd page of one of our very favorite books, Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge. (images here) What we want you to do is to scour the page (click to enlarge), choose 33 words, and reshape those words into a piece of your own. Your piece does not have to tell an entire story. We just want to see what you can do with this particular word bank. Punctuation is up to you. Use whatever you need, whether or not it appears in the photos.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Trapped Dancer
image courtesy of dalbera (via Flickr Creative Commons)
"It takes dedication and sacrifice to be one of the greats, Suzy."
Suzy looked up at her mom from where she sat on the bench, working out a cramp in one of her feet as the other girls spun and twirled on without her. She didn't feel great...all she felt was trapped.
"I don't want to be one of the greats!" she said, frowning fiercely.
Her mother sat down next to her and fussed with her hair. "Of course you do, dear. It's always been your dream, and I'm here to make sure it comes true."
And she had been. Everything in Suzy's life revolved around dancing and ballet - whether she wanted it or not. Somewhere along the way, her delight had turned to drudgery, but no matter what she said or did, her mother seemed blind to it.
Suzy had exhausted every possible way of getting out of this 'dream' she'd supposedly had since she was five... almost. As the arms of her mother encircled her like a cage to take her foot out of her hand and massage it herself, Suzy had a thought.
"Some dreams aren't meant to come true, mama..." she said, her voice far away as she eyed the dancers and the ladders the stage hands had left dangerously close to the dance floor. She couldn't dance if she couldn't walk.
This was written for the Trifecta Challenge of the week AND the Write on Edge challenge of the week :)
Trifecta's Prompt:
EXHAUST (transitive verb)
1a : to consume entirely : use up
b : to tire extremely or completely
c : to deprive of a valuable quality or constituent
2a : to draw off or let out completely
b : to empty by drawing off the contents; specifically : to create a vacuum in
3a : to consider or discuss (a subject) thoroughly or completely
Please remember:
- Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
- You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
- The word itself needs to be included in your response.
- You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
- Only one entry per writer.
- Trifecta is open to everyone. Please join us.
Write on Edge's Prompt(s):
We’re looking forward to seeing what you think, as this week’s prompt combines an Ayn Rand quote with an image of one of Edgar Degas’ famous ballerinas.
Remember, you can use either — or both — portions of the prompt in your response and your word limit is 500. Once you link up, check back Thursday to see what other members of the community submitted.
The link is now live and will be open until 11:59 p.m., PST on Thursday. Happy writing!
It stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there’s someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master.
—Ayn Rand
Saturday, February 16, 2013
"I'm huuuuuunungry."
Warm laugh lines crinkled into a smile, "Are you as hungry as an ant?"
"Nooooooo!" said the girl in the way only grandaughters could.
"Are youuuu... Hungry as a hippo!?"
This was written for the Trifextra Challenge for this weekend :)
For this weekend's challenge we're asking you to include some hyperbolein your piece. It doesn't have to be the whole piece, but it needs to be in there, and we're looking for 33 words, as usual.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Definitely time...
It was definitely time to see someone... She didn't even know where to begin unraveling the mess that her life had become. Everything had seemed like it was lining up! And suddenly it was as if someone had hit the auto-destruct button and then left before the dust even finished settling.
It all started with that one book she found, the free one about meditation and breathing and all that. If she'd known it was going to blow up her life she'd have left it alone! But then the coincidences started...
It was as if they were around every corner, and always about the same thing - ways forward in her life that had nothing to do with her life the way it was, but felt right anyway. Impossibly inconvenient, but right... And the feelings! She could swear she was picking up on everyone else's, and it had been getting stronger...
Either she was just going nuts under the strain, or there was something else going on here. The more things lined up in her life setting her on the career track of her dreams, the more she'd begun to wonder...who's dreams were they, again?
When had she decided? She really couldn't remember...and that's when she began to notice, it was as if she was living someone else's life. Like she'd fallen asleep at the wheel and her life had just kept right on going without her, and she was...
It was definitely time to see someone unless she wanted to just dwell on it endlessly...maybe that coach she'd heard about. The one with that free book.
This was written for the Trifecta Challenge of the week :)
In explanation, I was given the assignment to come up with my marketing avatar - the ideal client for me as a spiritual life coach with an emphasis on transformation, awakening and big change. It's a creative task, and I decided (to my surprise) to express mine in the form of a story prompted by the word Dwell - in its third definition, of course ;)
Oh, and that free book on meditation? It's called A Tree of Me and it's in its first draft stage as of the publishing of this story :) You want a copy, just drop me a comment and I'll send it when it's done.
This week's word is:
Please remember:
- Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
- You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
- The word itself needs to be included in your response.
- You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
- Only one entry per writer.
- Trifecta is open to everyone. Please join us.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Why Not Relax?
Poet Lu Yu Wrote:
The Clouds above us join and separate,
The breeze in the courtyard leaves and returns.
Life is like that, so why not relax?
Who can stop us from celebrating?
This was written for the Trifextra Challenge for this weekend :) Mine is from The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff...and Lu Yu of course :D
This weekend we are venturing into uncharted territories once again. This Trifextra isn't so much a writing challenge; it's more of a reading challenge. We want you to scour through your favorite pieces of literature and give us the best 33 words you can find.
Some quick guidelines:
- The writing you choose should not be your own.
- The 33 words should be lifted directly from another source (i.e. don't take 33 random words from Macbeth and shake them into a poem of your own (though that would be an awesome idea for another challenge) and don't take a sentence from the beginning of a book and another from the end--keep the original order).
- Credit your sources.
- You can't use the same 33 words as anyone else in the linkz. Skim through before posting your own. You can use the same author and even the same title, just not the exact same words.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
When the path is unclear, we can return to the breath
The font of life from beginning to end, it is always there
Like the beat of the heart, it sustains...and guides
This was written for the Trifecta Challenge of the week :)
This week's word is:
1: a trodden way
2: a track specially constructed for a particular use
3a : course, route
b : a way of life, conduct, or thought
Please remember:
- Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
- You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
- The word itself needs to be included in your response.
- You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
- Only one entry per writer.
- Trifecta is open to everyone. Please join us.
Friday, February 1, 2013
They'd Noticed
"The light is fading..."
"Don't worry, we'll find him."
"But what if he's hurt? Or lost?"
"Don't even think it. Kevin's a smart boy, I'm sure he's fine."
"I hope you're right..."
This was written for the Trifextra Challenge for this weekend :)
It's the other side of the story from the previous entry, He Did.
For the weekend prompt we're asking for exactly 33 words of dialogue.
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